The CHEK System for Holistic Wellness and Specialised Rehabilitation.

Congratulations on choosing a CHEK Practitioner health coach and taking the first step on what could be a truly life-changing journey.

CHEK Practitioners are highly-trained health professionals, renowned for their attention to detail and the results they help their clients achieve – even when many traditional medical and fitness approaches have failed. They do this by following the principles of the CHEK System, the most advanced and complete Integrated Health & Performance system currently available worldwide.

Rest assured you are now in very experienced and capable hands.

To be able to call themselves a CHEK Practitioner, your coach may have already completed 5-7 years of education with the CHEK Institute. They also undertake ongoing training and submit evidence of their clinical work each year.

Make the most of your time with your CHEK Practitioner. We believe you will look back on it for many years as both a rewarding experience and a worthwhile investment in your health. Enjoy the journey!

More information:

Why Choose a CHEK Practitioner?

What makes CHEK Practitioners unique is the level of detail involved in assessing EVERY new client and patient and in
the design of their individual, structured coaching plan. CHEK programs incorporate musculoskeletal balance and typically start with advanced corrective exercise. The same principles are applied to all levels of health and fitness; from persistent health challenges
to improving elite professional athletic performance.

CHEK Practitioners also provide structured coaching on diet, using our Primal Pattern® diet system, along with CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC). HLC is designed to reduce stress in ALL
its forms and your coach will show you practical ways to create space for health in today’s fast-paced, ‘always on’ world.
A CHEK Practitioner is trained to assess and design a complete health-coaching plan that is truly individual to each client, taking into account current health and any medical issues. They will work with you to establish a clear set of goals to aim for, and can work with your physician or other medically-trained professional to ensure your program is exactly right for you.
The CHEK System has seen huge growth in recent years and you will now find licensed Practitioners in most major cities. Our approach has been followed by some of the world’s elite sporting institutions and incorporated into military systems
for over two decades. Globally, CHEK Practitioners have been responsible for the successful rehabilitation of tens of thousands of people with advanced musculoskeletal health issues.

The CHEK Integrated System:

Each CHEK Practitioner will bring their own unique spin, but in general they will follow a step-by-step Integrated (whole body and mind) process:

STEP 1 The Consultation
The first task is to understand why you are here and what specific goals and dreams you have, as well as to determine what currently is stopping you from achieving them. We will also discuss your current and past medical conditions.

The CHEK full musculoskeletal assessment is the most comprehensive in the industry. At this stage, we will identify the root causes of pain and dysfunction and define which corrective exercise system and integrated technology will work best for you.

STEP 3 CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Assessments
In stage 3 of the process, we identify issues related to diet, sleep, stress and digestive problems – all of which are key to improving overall health and wellbeing.

STEP 4 The structured CHEK Coaching System
Finally, we will design a complete health and exercise program based on the findings from your assessments and your coaching will begin. This will usually be on a 1-2-1 basis or in small groups.

Your CHEK Practitioner will coach you to follow a complete Advanced Corrective Exercise Program as well as support you in other areas of lifestyle and nutrition. The overall aim will be to:

  • Bring balance back to your life;

  • Increase your health, vitality and natural defence system;

  • Re-shape your body so you can live and move functionally – for your current activity, to achieve personal goals or for sporting performance. 


CHEK Practitioners are recognised around the world for the depth of their bespoke exercise and rehabilitation programs. The level of detail is the same in every case, regardless of whether the client wants to regain shape from a sedentary lifestyle or post pregnancy, or has suffered years of chronic pain.

Many Practitioners specialize in back pain rehabilitation whilst others choose to work with some of the world’s leading athletes and sporting teams.

All CHEK Practitioners follow a unique, 3-phase Corrective Exercise System focused on conditioning and rehabilitation.

PHASE 1 CORRECTIVE & STABILITY Designed to re-align; create stability

A safe phase for all clients to start the process – even pro-level athletes! Your CHEK Practitioner will already have identified any areas that may need re-balancing throughout your body and designed an exercise program specific to you and your unique body mechanics.

Phase 1 can be likened to ‘re-booting’ your musculoskeletal and nervous system. Facilitated by a number of effective, non-invasive techniques, the unwinding of tension in the body that may have been trapped for years (even decades) will start to restore symmetry and stability to the entire body.

The exercises you will perform in this phase are ‘axially unloaded’ (performed laying down), progressing toward axial loading in preparation for Phase 2 and what is termed ‘Primal Standard’. This refers to your ability to achieve good form in all seven Primal Pattern® movements plus other CHEK rehabilitation systems, including in-depth core assessment.

On completion of various exercise programs and re-assessments, you will be ready to progress on to Phase 2. More importantly, you will already feel a great deal better!

PHASE 2 STRENGTH AND FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENTS Designed to build a body to last; maximise functionality

Having seen a reduction in pain or improvements in postural alignment, body function and performance – you will progress to Phase 2. Here, the focus is on integrating the entire body to achieve mastery of ‘Primal Standard’. Your exercise program will be designed to build you a body to last and perform normal life functions to the very best of your ability.

Most clients see remarkable improvements in how their body looks in Phase 1. Your Phase 2 program will help you shape a healthy, vital body – from the inside out!

THE MOST IMPORTANT CHANGES DO NOT HAPPEN IN THE GYM. Truly significant changes happen when the corrective exercise prescription is combined with quality food specific to your genetic type.

PHASE 3 SPORT/ROLE SPECIFIC Designed to condition the body to perform a specific sport or role at the optimum level.

On completion of Phase 2 training, and with increased all-around health and vitality, it’s time to enter Phase 3: role or sport-specific conditioning, if required.

This type of conditioning is what you will see most personal trainers and strength coaches performing with their clients for the vast majority of the time (whether they are ready for it or not). With the CHEK System, a client will be exposed to this phase for limited amounts of time only, due to the catabolic nature of this type of conditioning.


Your CHEK Practitioner has spent many years developing the in-depth program design skills that enable them to work with professional and amateur athletes as well as those working in professions that require specific physical performance. These range from firefighters and soldiers to individuals who simply want to have a great skiing trip!


What sets a CHEK Practitioner apart from all other health or fitness professionals is that we always look at the WHOLE picture when working with our clients.

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC) is a system that has been practised and perfected over two decades by CHEK Institute Founder Paul Chek. At the heart of HLC is the ‘CHEK 4 Doctors’ system, a process of extensive evaluation and structured coaching.

Holistic Lifestyle Coaches work with clients to address any factors that are negatively affecting their health and well-being including:

      • Stress and anxiety reduction

      • Structure and planning

      • Sleep improvements

      • Maintaining a healthy natural weight

      • Primal Pattern® diet testing, food planning and coaching

      • Hormonal regulation

      • 4 Doctors assessments

      • Digestive issues 


During the 5-7 years it takes to become fully qualified, CHEK Practitioners study many different health principles and technologies so that they can work  with other medical and health-related professionals.

A CHEK Practitioner will typically work with a variety of doctors – ranging from General Practitioners to Orthopedic Consultants and Psychotherapists as well as alternative practitioners like Osteopaths, Chiropractors, functional medicine practitioners and specialist dentists.

As such, they are trained to refer out as and when needed and to maintain a professional relationship with other health and fitness practitioners, to help our clients in all areas of their health.


Ready to take control of your health?

Book a free, non-obligatory call with Martin, and let’s make it happen together.